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Event Medics, Sporting Organisations and Companies interested in the promotion of Safety and professionalism at Events and industrial sites.

Corporate membership is a non-voting membership that supports the PAEIMA code of conduct for minimum educational and practical standards for Medics. Which will assist in compliance with Work Health and Safety Standards






Corporate membership AU$100 per year

Students currently studying Pre-hospital care at Occupational and or Ambulance programmes 


A copy of qualifications and employment details plus documentary evidence of experience must accompany membership applications


Associate Membership AU$ 40 per year

Events Medic - sports, concerts, functions etc.


A copy of qualifications Resuscitation certification in the past 12 months current advanced first aid, current Pain Management, recognition of HIA and employment details plus documentary evidence of experience and 30 hours CPE points must accompany membership applications Plus 150 hours clinical work over three years


accreditation fees  AU$90 per year

includes associate membership


Extreme Sports Medic, Triathlons, Mud musters, BMX racing, Trail Bike Events, boxing and MMA etc


A copy of qualifications including Advanced Resuscitation certification in the past 12 months current advanced first aid, current Pain Management, spinal injury management and employment details plus documentary evidence of experience in at least three different types of events and 30 hours CPE points must accompany membership applications.


Plus 250 hours of clinical hours over  the past 3 years.


Accreditation fees  AU$90 per year

includes associate membership


Industrial Medic - occupational medic, mining, construction etc.


A copy of qualifications current occupational first aid and employment details plus documentary evidence of  Industry/mining experience and 30 hours CPE points must accompany membership applications. Must also hold white card and or a high risk work licence


Plus 250 hours of clinical hours over  the past 3 years. Min 160 hours supervised



accreditation fees AU$90  per year 

includes associate membership


This membership applies to first aid educators holding a TAE40110 certificate and with a minimum 12months experience 


A copy of qualifications and employment details plus documentary evidence of experience and 20 hours CPE points per year must accompany membership applications.



Associate Membership fees AU$90 per year


Extreme Sports Paramedic, Triathlons, Mud musters, BMX racing, Trail Bike Events, boxing and MMA etc


All Paramedics must be registered.

 AHPRA registration of Paramedics in Australia is required from 1st December 2018 and this will be required for membership as a Paramedic. All Paramedics MUST be registered. 

Supply employment details plus documentary evidence of experience in at least three different types of events and 30 hours CPE points must accompany membership applications.

The name Paramedic must not be used by anyone not registered by AHPRA


fees  AU$90 per year

includes associate membership



Critical Care EMT TM

Extreme Sports Medic/EMT, Triathlons, Mud musters, BMX racing, Trail Bike Events, boxing and MMA etc


A copy of qualifications Advanced Resuscitation certification in the past 12 months current advanced first aid, current Pain Management, spinal injury management Occupational first aid, Advanced Life Support and employment details plus documentary evidence of experience in at least three different types of events and working industry and or  mining and 30 hours CPE points must accompany membership applications


Plus letter from employer or evidence of 250 hours of clinical hours over  the past 3 years. Min 160 hours supervised


Accreditation fees  AU$90 per year

includes associate membership





Critical Care Emergency Medical Technician 

Remote sites, mining, aquatic and boating, construction and high risk events, supply pre-hospital care until State Rescue/Ambulance can attend.


This qualification was first introduced in Australia to the RVCP now Marine Rescue By the Flag Officer Medics, RVCP in the1980s as the professional standards for the EMT crew of the RVCP Water Ambulance.

To apply to be registered with PAEIMA, Inc as an EMT Critical Care  you must be a Registered Paramedic or retired Paramedic or Past or present Government Registered Health Care Practitioner or Registered Nurse with emergency and pre-hospital event experience and PAEIMA accredited Extreme Sports, Event and Industrial EMT for a minimum of 2 years,

Be a current or past accredited member of an professional association that has recognised your qualifications as an EMT, Paramedic, HCP or Nurse in addition to PAEIMA accreditation.


Core qualifications

1. Advance Life Support 

2.  Advanced Resuscitation certification in the        past 12 months.

3. Critical Care Airway Management 

4. Retrieval Medicine

5. EMT advanced pharmacology 

6. Advanced wound care and wound closure             incorporating local anaesthesia.

7. Workshop training in Tension pneumothorax recognition and emergency management. 

8. Aeromedical evacuation preparation

9. Hold or have held Sports Medicine Australia  accredited Sports Trainer certification

10. completed  Remote survival training

11. rescue diver

12 lifeguard (Bronze) or swift water rescue or surf lifesaver, incorporating aquatic rescue

13. have completed  Cultural Awareness            Training which includes  Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait Islander

14. Certificate IV Train and Assess

Elective qualifications (two of the following)

1. Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)

2. Marine Boat Licence

3. high risk work licence

4. White Card Training

5. Marine rescue training


Current Registration with PAEIMA Inc. Current HLTAID0014 and HLTAID0015 certificate, 

Pain Management certification and, current working with children number &

Professional Indemnity insurance 



letter from employer or evidence of 200 hours clinical at event work over a two year period


Accreditation fees  AU$150 per year

includes certificate, registered with PAEIMA as an CCEMT


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All PAEIMA accredited Medics will receive an accreditation certificate associate membership (Ass.PAEIMA) and PAEIMA patch and decal

In the absence of Government registration in Australia and although EMT's are registered in many countries, being registered with PAEIMA Inc is a peer group registration/membership and is not an Australian Government, AHPRA or Sate Registration 


            Request a membership form to be emailed

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